10 events found.
God’s Grace Through Prayer
Fellowship RoomAsh Wednesday Service
St. JamesSt. James Corn Beef Dinner – Cancellation
Perch PointSunday Services – Cancelled
St. JohnsSunday Services are cancelled until at least the end of April due to the Coronavirus outbreak.
Mary Martha Guild Quilt Raffle
St. JohnsDrawing will be held on Monday, November 16, 2020 Raffle tickets are $10.00 a ticket or 3 for $25.00 Quilt is: White with multiple blues Size is 104" x 101" (King size) 2 Matching Standard Pillowcases are included See any of the following people for raffle tickets: Lynn Reh, Carolyn Andrews, Bea Gubanche, Judy Lester, […]