10 events found.
St. James$10.00 per person and $0.25 per Euchre Payout for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place
Sunday Worship with Holy Communion
St. JohnsHappy Father's Day!!!!
Euchre at St. James
St. James$10.00 per person and $0.25 per Euchre Payout for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place
Sunday Worship with Holy Communion
St. JohnsZoom Discussion Group
Zoom Discussion Group with Pastor Ken.. discussion will be on How to live a better Christian Life. Make sure Pastor Ken has your email address so he sand send you […]
St. Johns Fundraiser Dinner at Murphy’s Inn
Murphy InnTuesday, February 27th St. Johns UCC will be hosting a fundraiser dinner at Murphy's Inn, 505 Clinton Ave. St. Clair, MI 48079 between 5pm and 8pm. 20% all receipts will […]
Zoom Discussion Group
Zoom Discussion Group with Pastor Ken.. discussion will be on How to live a better Christian Life. Make sure Pastor Ken has your email address so he sand send you […]
Euchre at St. James
St. James$10.00 per person and $0.25 per Euchre Payout for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place