10 events found.
Easter with Holy Communion and Healing at St. James
St. JamesPotluck Easter breakfast at 8am before service. Bring a dis=h to pass.
Easter with Holy Communion and Healing
St. JohnsEuchre at St. James
St. James$10.00 per person and $0.25 per Euchre Payout for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place
Sunday Worship and Holy Communion
St. JohnsSunday Worship and Litany of Graduates
St. JohnsCouncil Meeting
St. JohnsEuchre at St. James
St. James$10.00 per person and $0.25 per Euchre Payout for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place
Sunday Worship with Holy Communion
St. JohnsHappy Father's Day!!1